KAYAKING & TANICOS DINNER -50th Birthday Trip-

After the dinner night at Starlite Marbella, we met at 10:30 a.m. in the Hotel Lobby to start a day of adventures that awaits us with a radiant sun and a lot of heat. With the group full we moved in our private van to Nerja, approximately 100km away from our hotel to do Kayaking and then an special dinner at Tánicos Fuengirola.


After approximately 45 minutes we arrive at our destination, Burriana Beach in Nerja, almost the end of the province of Malaga, to spend a relaxing time on those sandy beaches, small rocks and clear waters, as if it were the Caribbean, but in the Mediterranean Sea.

# Amazing 1st Contact with

“The 50th Birthday Trip” group

1st Part of their Adventure

Today we started with the Kayaking Trip, two hours of adventure where we would cross the coast of Nerja until we reach the outskirts of the beaches of Maro, the paradise of the tropical coast, visiting caves, admiring waterfalls, and deserted beaches with difficult access.


As soon as we arrived, we took the opportunity to enjoy the beach and the sea for almost an hour until it was our turn to prepare for the adventure. Between laughters & kilos and kilos of sunscreen, caps and “shorties” to protect us from the sun, we go to the water … that fantastic temperature and transparency of the water!!!… the people around us filled those 400 meters of beach with umbrellas, beach-racquets to play, children and a lot of water sports …, Spainventure invite to “The 50th Birthday Trip Group” of Ice-Cold Beers before starting the adventure “Kayaking Trip & More” … and we begin, all ready to start: vests, helmets, sunglasses and listen to the coordinator’s instructions Germán, who gave us some basic tips for a safety adventure.


Classic and funny moment to ride a double kayak … what a way to laugh and enjoy like a child… we embark and go offshore to our meeting point, 100 meters from the beach, to start rowing, trying to coordinate the shovels … hehehehehe.


… the trip from North America, the Jet Lag, the party at last night before was taking its “toll on us”, so we suggested to Germán to stay on an amazing beach to snorkel, but our coordinator forgot the tubes to breath … we use just the masks… ahhhh, what a shame, but the important thing was to be able to enjoy the moment with our group “50th Birthday Trip”, trying to see the marine fauna, that today shone by its absence … what a bad luck …


After approximately 2 hours, exhausted we asked our coordinator Germán if we could go back to the beach where we beggining our Kayaking Trip, seeing that we were very tired, offered us the opportunity to return in a “Support Zodiak Boat” dragging all the kayaks, so we did not paddle so much … a luxury the return … jejejeje.


Once we changed our clothes after a Kayaking Trip, we set off to find a place to have lunch and, as we had seen from the van when we arrived at the beach, we went to an Indian food restaurant but unfortunately it was closed we arrived at it. .. a disappointment, but after walking a bit we ended up having lunch in a “100% Italian Pizza Restaurant”, we had a pleasant moment with this amazing group, that every time I was surprised with their complicity and good vibes.

# Party Night at Starlite Marbella

“The 50th Birthday Trip” group

2nd Part of their Adventure

We go back to our hotel, to rest a couple of hours and prepare for the second part of our day of adventures.


The lobby of the hotel in Fuengirola was our meeting point, brought together the whole group “50th Birthday Trip” to depart at our last step of the day after the Kayaking Trip, expected a different night, relaxed, but amazing at the same time: we went to the Tánicos Restaurant to dine with flavors of Spain and Andalusia.



In an “Exclusive Table” prepared for this amazing group we are welcomed by the owner of this magnificent restaurant in Fuengirola to begin with a tour of the entire Spanish geography, starting logically for our Andalusia, with a tasting of the different kinds of grapes that they would lead to excellent wines, all of them different, but with the quality and Denomination of Origin that Spain presents to the world.


With each Wine our waitress presented to us, while explaining its essential characteristics, we were served a fantastic Spanish tapa that marriage perfectly with the wine we were tasting.


The dinner “almost” culminates after 9 bottles of wine that we tasted and having made a perfect marriage, but I say almost because everything was not over there … this fantastic group asked if they could taste Spanish “Aguardiente” … and as It could not be otherwise Manolo our host and chef, agreed to the tasting that took place after a series of desserts that finished crowning a dream night.

I had not enjoyed such a pleasant dinner so much for a long time, with a wonderful group of people I barely know and where I was just their coordinator, but who have made me share an unforgettable experience, they are a perfect group!


It was an Amazing Dinner in Tanicos Fuengirola, Adventures & Experiences!!!



After the relevant congratulations to the chef, the waiters and “Apologizing to the rest of the guests” for the party we had assembled, we retired to rest to prepare for the last day of this adventure, the hardest of all, but with much emotion. We returned to the Hotel to sleep a bit …

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