SPAINVENTURE offers you the opportunity to make your Adventure Tourism Trip in the South of Spain – Malaga, Granada, Cordoba – giving you the opportunity to live unforgettable moments.

To start to explaining why we should make Adventure Travel Trips, we go to Wikipedia and find the following definition Adventure Tourism is a type of tourism that involves explorations or trips with a perception – and, real existence – of risks, and potentially requiring special skills or certain physical conditions. “

Adventure Tourism can be classified according to its difficulty: low, moderate or high.

In the Adventure Tourism trips offered by SPAINVENTURE you will find an implied knowledge of places, people and culture in an active and participative way.

Some forms of Adventure Tourism:

There is a difference, almost semantic, between making Adventure Trips and Adventure Sports; where to carry out any type of sports, including those of Aventures Sports, would require a minimum physical preparation, an adequate equipment and the habitual practice of the same one; while Adventure Tourism, you “The Adventurer”, performs a mix of activities – Traditional Tourism and Adventure Sports – being able to enjoy the nature and the amazing scenery and a visit to a Traditional Tourism site “all in one day”.

This mix of activities – Traditional Tourism and Adventure Sports – is organized by SPAINVENTURE, you just put the desire to spend memorable experiences, unforgettable moments full of Vertigo, Fun and Adrenaline !!!.

Let yourself be tempted, SPAINVENTURE will guide you to new emotions.

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