Why #Fastidi Group ?, rarely i write about the experiences of my groups of Adventurers, but this particular group has made me spend a fantastic day of adventure in Spain doing “Kayaking Trip at Mediterranean Sea” … I do not know, but I want to tell you this fantastic journey of Spainventure with my “#Fastidis”.

After the contact made through our website www.spainventure.com, Mateo and Emanuele, lifelong friends, as they have told me that it is a fantastic family tradition, came to Fuengirola to make a Last Minute holiday, And they decided to leave part of them in the hands of Spainventure to give it a bit of Adventure!!.

We depart on time in the morning of the Hotel that lodges them in Fuengirola towards the coast of the Mediterranean Sea to there make a fantastic Kayaking Experience. After a quiet trip to our destination, getting to know and tell me a little about their experiences on the Costa del Sol, where they will surely return for these dates the following year as I have been confirmed, my #Fastiti Group is ready to make its 1st Kayak Trip by the Mediterranean Sea.

We meet with the Kayak instructor and start with the assistance that prepares the group, out of the water and with life jackets on, teaching how to perform the “paddling” on the Kayak, signs, etc., the basics to enjoy a fantastic adventure.

spainventure kayaking trip mediterranean instructor Adventure instructions

Entering the water on a very hot day, riding the kayak and begin to glide over those crystalline waters on a calm sea, invites them to imagine that all this adventure will be amazing.

My #Fastidi Group, with a happy face and surprise it, begins to paddle and disappears along the coast towards the cliffs of Maro, home of the discoverers of “The Nerja Caves”.

Spainventure Kayaking trip the adventure begin at Nerja Beach Mediterranean Sea

After almost 2 and a half hours they return to the beach that saw them leave and, after leaving the kayaks, they begin to describe to me what they have seen, “Coves of Crystalline Waters, Caves of Limestone Walls, Filrations of water in the rocks that form Small Waterfalls, Snorkel in Caves and beaches with rocky bottoms with transparent waters, to begin the return, to meet again and to begin the second stage of its journey.

Spainventure Maro Caves Kayaking Trip mediterranean Costa del Sol Group

After preparing for a short trip from the beach to “The Village of Nerja”, where we will have lunch in a Typical Tapas Bar, we will visit the town through its narrow streets, stopping to take a handmade ice cream and then visit the “Balcón de Europa”, the culmination point of our visit to the town, admiring the amazing views of the Nerja Coast, with its coves with transparent waters and of course … taking the classic photo with the statue of “King Alfonso XII”.

We return walking along the quiet streets of Nerja to take the exclusive transport that brought us to this adventure in the Mediterranean Sea and that will also transfer us to the bowels of the land … to know in a “Guided and Exclusive Visit to Las Cuevas de Nerja “.

Spainventure Kayaking Trip mediterranean Nerja Cave adventure Costa del Sol

I leave my group in the hands of the “Miguel Joven”, the Fantastic guide of this Exclusive Adventure in “Las Cuevas de Nerja”, to show them the ins and outs of this ancient cave and introduce them in its history and, because not , in its future, still there is much to know and discover.

spainventure miguel joven kayaking trip mediterranean Nerja Caves adventure Costa del Sol

After 2 hours the group leaves “Las Cuevas de Nerja”, in this last part of their adventure more relaxed but super exciting, my #Fastidi Group comments me on the wonders they have seen in this Cave, highlighting The Great Column, the limestone walls and emphasizing above all things the excellent explanation of his guide who has turned this “Journey to the Past” into something so fantastic.

As it should be, my group takes the classic picture with Miguel, his guide in the Cave, and we begin the return to the Hotel of Fuengirola.

On the return trip, where that the group was tired of an intense day of adventure, they take the opportunity to tell me about their experiences, who saw, as they enjoyed, and they wanted to live more adventures with Spainventure. Surely in the near future we will meet again.

Emanuele and Mateo have managed to mark a Different Adventure, with physical exercise, and emotions with each step.

Thanks #Fastidi Group for letting Spainventure take part in their Adventures in Spain.

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