in contact with nature we can find many, but live it in the province of Malaga in a unique environment, discovering the “El Caminito del Rey” and performing in an emblematic historic city and with all the Andalúz charm there are few, all this

Spainventure Caminito del Rey Barranquismo en Ronda vistas

Telling the experience that our Adventurous, Brian and Celine, had live with 300 words is a little bit complicated, but from we want you to know that began around noon at the hotel in the Malaga Port where this cheerful North American couple was staying.


Punctually we pick up the protagonists of at the reception of their hotel and, as we had promised, we prepared a “totally private” experience, without waiting and exclusively for them.

Spainventure Caminito del Rey Barranquismo en Ronda esperando a Nuestros Aventureros

We went in our to practice trekking and know “El Caminito del Rey” -then will do –, the starting point of an amazing day, fully of emotions, very hot indeed, but that promised to be unforgettable.

The distance that separates Málaga from the town of Ardales served us to meet Brian & Celine and, following the spirit of, we began to tell our protagonists the peculiarities of the areas of the Guadalhorce Valley, curiosities of our Andalusian land, and we achieved a very good connection with this friendly couple of Adventurers.

Spainventure Caminito del Rey Barranquismo en Ronda Vistas de Caminito del Rey

Arriving at the “El Chorro Swamp” and receiving such an imposing nature is an experience that must be lived, colors, smells, sensations … all in one place and in a first impact. Brian & Celine enjoy 20 free minutes before heading to the entrance to “El Caminito del Rey.


We cross walking a tunnel of 300 meters, without light to guide us, alone with our senses… and a “Samsung Mobile Lantern”…, which is the beginning of a mountain trail of 1500 meters that will go along the swamp area, offering them infinite landscapes that will be photographed to each instant by our protagonists – caves on the side of the mountain, a huge pine forest, lakes of an emerald green color, smell of nature – and we arrive at the entrance of the El Caminito del Rey to start the trekking and a guided tour.

After almost 2½ Hours of Vertigo, Landscapes, Nature, Archeology and a lot of adrenaline we meet again at the exit of “El Caminito del Rey” at El Chorro Neighborhood,to begin our and we go to our final destination for , .


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