The second day of our “Adventure Tourism” with SPAINVENTURE began at 7AM to go to Diving to the Tropical Coast of Granada, in the beautiful Mediterranean Sea Bottoms. It was the first time I practique scuba dive and I was a bit scared, breathing under the water … mnnn that rare.

SPAINVENTURE put at our disposal a diving instructor who explained to us the equipment that we were going to use, as was the correct method of breathing, the use of the vest, how to put on the neoprene and the mask, and how to empty the mask, etc .: we were already beginning with the “adrenaline”, but still lacked the best.

Finished equipping us completely and we started the road to the unknown, 5 magic minutes between we equipped ourselves and walked trought the path to the Mediterranean, to the beach, that was our destination and starting point of our journey to a magical world full of adventure.

Once in the water, on the surface, the instructor verified that everything was in conditions to submerge us, and my companions and I, each with a Divemaster, we began the immersion. The water of the sea surrounded us and we were presented before us a different world, with a lot of fish very curious of our presence… and I much more than them !!.

The feeling of weightlessness was something amazing. The fishes at the beginning of our dive were small near the shore, at a depth of 2 Meters, and then a little larger swimming around us; Huge red sea stars, some gorgonians and huge “stone walls” that extended to a deep blue background, and the surface of the Sea emerged like our roof, showing precious villas in the cove that housed our day of diving… our first steps at a second day of Adventure Tourism are Amazing!!

We made 2 amazing dives, although there was a lot of sand in suspension, fish banks, a jellyfish’s near us, sea cucumbers, red coral, sea urchins, among other wonders.

Everything we saw at the bottom of the sea we recognized it once we surfaced and in the dibriefing after the dives with the explanations offered by the instructor and the divemasters, with a table of photos of flora and fauna of the area. SPAINVENTURE put at the disposal of our group, between the 2 dives, a brunch to gather energy !!!.

What to tell you about this weightlessness experience Zero … a new world that I discovered, and surely will try again. This adventure has been very satisfying, we had a lot of fun, but it was only the beginning and the first part of the day.

After the dives we went to lunch to a Venta of the Area, getting ready to take a Guided Tour to the “Nerja Caves”. On our second day on the afternoon, our adventure is more relaxed, with a tour of all the interior galleries of the Nerja Caves, and with the excellent narration by our guide “Miguel” (protagonist of the famous Spanish series “Verano Azul”) , of the details of the fortuitous discovery of the cave by some children of the city on 60´s.

Through its footbridges, for almost 2 hours, we walk around and admire the stalactites, stalagmites and “The Great Column”, where you can see the concert area, where they annually perform musical performances in this beautiful area of Nerja City.

Back to the hotel, tired but super-happy with these 2 fantastic days of adventure, we perpare to go to walk to Sea Street, knowing the downtown of the Fuengirola city and dinner typical Spanish and Andalusian meals. One detail that surprised us was the amount of different languages ​​that we were hearing at every step, Fuengirola is a cosmopolitan city 100%!!!.

It is necessary to emphasize the kindness and that atmosphere of joy that reigns in Andalusia, fantastic for an adventure trip, infected us this happiness and makes you want to return !!!.

Now, we go back to the hotel to rest and go to the third day of Adventures.

SPAINVENTURE is making us enjoy like we would never have imagined.


Relive the adventure from its origins, take a look at Part One and Part Two

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