Write about a particular group is not usual, but this group of North Americans has been amazing!!, I have rarely enjoyed a lot “working” to the limit between Fun, Adrenaline, Passion and seriousness what need in my coordinator position: It has been a dreaming group, the envy of the rest of the Tourism Companies … They have lived a great trip of Adventure Tourism in Fuengirola, and they have confirmed to me that the spirit of Spainventure was flying over our future actions, “Adventure, Fun and Vertigo “…

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… The story of the “Adventure Tourism in Fuengirola 50th Birthday Trip” begins in our first contact a few months ago, after a search in “The Endless World of Internet” have finished in, and that is the origin of this Adventure Travel Tour in Fuengirola. First contact by mail, another for phone, more mails, whatsapp, details, etc., up to here the usual things in any group: but all the details of my contact in North America “Mr. M.S.” foreshadowed that this was going to be very special!!… and i confirm that my intuition has not failed me at all!!

spainventure-kayaking-at-mediterranean-sea-50th-birthday-one-destiny-fuengirola Adventure Tourism in Fuengirola

This group promised to be amazing and, as our contacts and communications passed, I was internalizing about their exciting “Adventure Tourism in Fuengirola 50th Birthday Trip” and for Spain, where Spainventure was going to be the first step in their road of an “Adventure, Fun and Vertigo”. Beginning in Andalusia this “50th Birthday Trip”, the summer was waiting them to embrace them and not let them escape, Andalusia promised to “Hugh” their guests and would do it in the best way, with a good people, cosmopolite atmosphere and the fabulous weather that it surrounds you, the beach, the sea and the mountain, but above all the “good vibes” that this group of friends has.

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After having arranged the details of the adventure with each and every one of their needs covered, we proceeded with my team, to prepare a trip of Adventure Tourism in Fuengirola dreamed. According to the indications of my fantastic contact “Mr. M.S.” we proceeded to organize a few different nights Shows to surprise them, a Kayaking Trip in the Mediterranean Sea, another in Hot Air Balloon Flight and to close the trip an exciting White Water Rafting to cohere more to the group … if that had been necessary.

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Up to this point, with a few words I am describing only the preparation of the trip, something common in all groups visiting Andalusia with, but the best is yet to come. In the next posts I will write you about of this fantastic group and their adventures.

What a pleasure to write about this “50th Birthday Trip” …

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