An amazing weekend!! Not only for the number of activities we have done in the same place, , but also for having been lucky enough to enjoy an excellent weather that has improved our experience during these 2 days even more if we can!!!.

We left Fuengirola after breakfast, early in the morning with a well-closed fog that accompanied us most of the trip. When we were practically arriving at destination, our companion “the mist” disappears and it appear a fantastic and clear sky.


To spend the night we settled in a hostel -Valle del Abdalajis- without much luxury but you can stay and recommend it. is the first time that stay a weekend on this site and i think it will not be the last. A simple room including a bed with clean sheets that will surely invite us to rest at the end of the day of our , comfortable room and with a window that shows us a postcard from part of the town. The hostel-owner are super nice and help us in everything we need to make our adventure tourism trip much more enjoyable.

At noon and after a big lunch in a Typical Andalusian Restaurant nearby, we load all the material and we go to the beginning of the adventure in . It is not very complicated, this consists of crossing 100 meters of vertical unevenness through steel steps, and security line that accompany each step. To carry out this activity we need specific security material, such as harnesses, helmet and a . At the end of the Via Ferrata we´ll can that are there.

The descent is going to practice in a ravine that proposes a bit of “hard work” and much more adventure. It´s not a very long ravine, but it is very complete, “dry & available around the year”, and where we´ll performed a few not very long rappels. For this activity we´ll take out of our backpacks the material we had prepared at the beginning (Strings, Helmet, Eights, Harnesses, etc.).

We arrived exhausted from this at the Via Ferrata, and we take a good shower, and we are going to have a dinner at a village Tapas-Bar after walking through this charming and quiet “piece of Andalusia”. The typic Andalusian dinner help us to relax a little more and gave us time to comment on the adventures we live and to laugh for a while with the collected anecdotes. We had a day fully of -we are tired- and decided to go to rest to the second part of our adventure Trip.


A spectacular day like that of yesterday dawns, and after a good Andalusian breakfast, we prepare ourselves to realize a trekking route. We equip ourselves well, load “the backpacks attack” to live another adventure day.
This is a simple route, as we are tired and want to relax with the landscapes, take photos and enjoy the nature that surrounds us.

We were able to record on our retinas, and capture them with our cameras, thanks to the advice of mountain guide offer us, “the AVE (High Speed ​​Train)” routes linking with Madrid, the profile of “La Peña de los Enamorados”, and we were fortunate to see some “Leonado Vultures”, close to the area where they were practicing Paragliding in free flight.

It takes about four hours to make this fantastic adventure, taking photos, stopping to hydrate and enjoying this beautiful environment. Once we arrive at the end of the Trekking day, we will approach the hostel, collect our stuffs, the equipment and load everything in the vehicle of to start the return to our hotel in Fuengirola.

This Via Ferrata and the trekking the next day has made us match the effort and desire of Adventure: the guides, the coordinator of and the fantastic environment will makes us come back some day.


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