SPAINVENTURE arrange your Dreamed Adventure, doing a “Different Kind of Tourism”, proposing you to each step Amazing and Original Activities, today we talk about Trekking or Hiking, but also gives you some tips to carry out that type of activities so that you enjoy much more and without mishaps: We hope you will use it in your next adventure with SPAINVENTURE.


Every so often is good to take a break and get out of the hustle and bustle of the big cities. Hiking or Trekking is a highly recommended activity to escape the routine, enjoy the outdoors and discover new routes and natural sites. If you have no experience or are not very fit, we give you some tips to get you started in this sport.

  • Choose your Trekking Shoes Correctly
    Keep in mind that not only must be comfortable Trekking shoes, but they have to be fit for the activity you are going to perform and for a mountain environment. It is advisable to have thick soles, which are waterproof and hold the ankle well, since the ground you are walking on may be unstable.


  • Comfortable and Elastic Clothing
    Your clothing must allow you to keep your body dry and at the same time warm, so we recommend that you wear several garments as layers depending on the weather conditions. By the way, it should be comfortable and elastic clothing that does not impede freedom of movement.


  • Prepare a Simple Route
    For your first Trekking Adventure it is very important that you go with someone and notify someone close to the area where you are going to be. Also, find out how many kilometers the route is – they recommend that it does not exceed 4 km – and calculate the time it would take to do it to avoid that you end up walking in the gloom. They already say it in Game of Thrones: “The night is dark and it harbors horrors”.


  • Hydration and Food
    A few snacks, energy bars, one or two bottles of water and a thermo with a hot drink will give you “a glory taste” when you make a stop to rest.


  • You’re going to slip, assume it!!
    And more if you are a beginner. So walk safely, do not be afraid and enjoy the landscape. If you are well equipped and with the right shoes, you will avoid ankle sprains or major damages.

Above all, do not leave anything to improvisation. Hiking or Trekking can stop being a rewarding activity to become a real nightmare if not planned and done with head.

Source: El Mundo Newspaper (Spain)
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