We conquer the sky?… Extreme Adventures in Fuengirola with Spainventure …

Sitting in our office we do not have that adrenaline rush that makes us feel alive, the vertigo that pushes us to want to know our limits: From Spainventure we offer you those sensations, Adrenaline, Vertigo and Adventure, all together…

These are some examples of how to get to feel those sensations:

  • Balloon flight: Probably the least radical and extreme activity of all, is suitable for any profile of Adventurer and Age – as long as you have at least 1.2 meters high.

The Hot Air Balloon Flight was one of the first ways in which man managed to fly. This is a very safe activity and recommended for those who want to know the world from another perspective and with the desire to fly.

Spainventure Hot Air Balloon Flight in la costa del Sol Fuengirola Extrem Adventures Spainventure Hot Air Balloon Flight in la costa del Sol Fuengirola Aventuras Extremas en Fuengirola Extreme Adventures

  • Skydiving: Extreme Adventures like the best ones, challenge your tolerance to fear you feel and vertigo to heights.
    Different modalities can be differentiated according to the purpose: sports, recreational and even transport. Jumps in free fall are made from a maximum height of 4,000 meters and a minimum of 850 meters.

spainventure skydiving in la costa del sol fuengirola Extrem adventures aventuras extremas

  • Delta Wing: Upward Air Currents and Plan, basic questions to practice this amazing sport. There is some knowledge that you must have previously to practice it – Air Currents, Takeoff & Landing and “height” –.

In general, the speeds achieved are not very high. You can enjoy this type of flight with a pilot to accompany you.

spainventure delta flight in fuengirola la costa del sol Extreme adventures aventuras extremas

  • Paragliding in Free Flight: It is basically the same as the Delta Wing, but in this case you are “hanging” from a sail … it demands a high practical training and superior technical knowledge. If you intend to practice without a monitor it is necessary to go to a paragliding school. Personally I think it is an amazing experience !!!, Spainventure offers you the opportunity to practice it accompanied by a pilot in an amazing “tandem” flight.

spainventure free paragliding in la costa del sol fuengirola Extreme adventures aventuras extremas

  • Kitesurfing: Interestingly, and with an important similarity with the “Paragliding”, here we fly with a sail but on the water – it is a relatively recent sport – on a surfboard and thanks to the force that the wind exerts on our sail or kite!!

spainventure kite surf in la costa del sol fuengirola Extreme adventures aventuras extremas

Can You Fly at Any Time?

The weather conditions are the main variable to consider, the strength of the wind or the possibilities of storm, influence these sports more than any other.

To practice these Extreme Adventures Sports and to be able to “Conquer the sky” you will have to previously inform yourself of the weather conditions that will be in the area where it is developed. The fact that there is much or little wind, or precipitation, will surely condition the practice of Hot Air Ballon Flight, Skydiving, Delta Wing, Paragliding or Kitesurfing.

Interestingly, what for some is harmful to others is essential – for the practice of Kitsurfing you will need wind gusts – while for the rest, there is little or nothing of it.

Where can I do these Extreme Adventures?

As I was commenting on in previous paragraphs, for the practice of Kitsurfing you will need to have a considerable speed of the wind and a place of coast, in the sea or lake, to practice it comfortably.

For the Delta Wing and the Paragliding you must start from a high altitude, a mountain, or a cliff, etc.

The Hot Air Balloon Flight begins on a surface or flat area, it will require a pilot and a ground coordinator for the assembly and execution of the flight -the wind must not exceed 20km/h- and with that intensity of the wind we will move Fantastically at an ideal speed.

For Skydiving we need to be at a high point, equal to or greater than 850 meters, static or moving -Helicopter, Light Plane, or Hot Air Balloon.

With this small data I think you have been interested in the “Conquest of the Sky”, you will surely want to realize your experience and be able to tell your people, feel that manifestation of freedom that is Flying, floating in the air like a bird.

In Spainventure awaits for you to share those amazing sensations.


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