An unplanned an can be crazy, and it is here, after unleashing your imagination, where you start to shape it, always with the help of a local company in your chosen destination that can transform your dreams into reality, your Adventure Wedding!

1. Plannig

As in all aspects of our life, getting married is not the exception, we must carry out a correct planning of the steps to follow, where we must distinguish the legal part from the playful & adventure part.


     1.1. Legal

It is very convenient to obtain a marriage certificate once the ceremony has been carried out in the destination you have chosen, for this you must contact in advance with the country where you are developing your adventure wedding so that they inform you of the necessary documentation for this purpose.

     1.2. Playful & adventure

In this step, surely the most interesting, they will begin to think if they want to follow any tradition – the type of bouquet, exchange of rings, type of clothing, etc.-, and obviously it would be highly recommended to put photographers and a film that accompanies the rest of your lives.

2. Witnesses?

Obviously, to comply with the legality of this ceremony, they will need a witness for each member of the couple -people you know, who can talk about you- or someone that the couple decides (these regulations may vary according to destination).

3.  How are you going to celebrate it?

The post-ceremony party is a sacred moment for the couple, they will be the protagonists of the moment, ecstasy will surround them, all eyes will be on you if you have decided to celebrate with your friends and family.

spainventure-wedding-boda-de-aventura-tips-canyoning adventure wedding

In case of a much more intimate celebration, just the two of you, or with a very small group of friends and / or family, it would be wonderful to have a very special and original treat in the same area / area of ​​the development of your adventure wedding, for that you can contact a local company

An unplanned adventure wedding can be crazy, with the help of a local company in your chosen destination they can transform your dreams into reality.

4. How many guests?

An adventure wedding is a special celebration, something intimate between the couple and their witnesses, which does not dilute that intimacy we desire: There are no rules for this fantastic wedding idea, but up to 12 guests could take it as a “micro-wedding”.


5. What should I wear for the wedding?

The dress, since your wedding is not something traditional, can vary according to your tastes and the environment where it takes place, but brides – if it is their illusion – can wear that great white dress that they have dreamed of all their lives, the organizers locals will surely have techniques to preserve it; And the boys? A suit that breaks the tradition, with shorts maybe? The important thing is that the couple enjoy the moment and that they love what they wear: it is their moment.

6. Do we announce the Adventure Wedding?

Develop a plan with your partner, a revelation plan !!, an invitation to dinner or a barbecue under any pretext: it is very important that the secrecy and confidentiality between the couple is 100%, so you can surprise the family and the friends with the ad.


The local organizing company will be able to prepare a video of , where with originality they will be able to surprise everyone: social networks will be your allies to be able to spread this amazing event to all your contacts.

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